Thursday, May 19, 2016

Nurses Know What To Do

Nurses know what to do. I've known it since I was seven years old, maybe before, and bet that deep down you know, too.

After a string of respiratory infections and low-grade fevers kept me out of school for much of my first grade year my pediatrician decided, as was common practice in those days, that my tonsils needed to come out. My parents agreed, so very early one morning I found myself en route to the then Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago for the big day. My memories of the experience are spotty, but include being most uncomfortable with a little boy as a roommate, as well as receiving the highly coveted Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head toys with which I happily amused my post-operative self, real potatoes and all, in my hospital bed. Indeed, it was only recently that I learned that the Potato Head folks now come with phony spuds, a no doubt neater but otherwise most unfortunate turn of events, as there was nothing quite like jabbing those little plastic parts into honest-to-goodness potatoes. God bless the nurses who apparently never so much as blinked at the spectacle of a seven year-old fresh from the OR with a bed full of potatoes and plastic!

But as day's end rolled around, and with it the end of visiting hours, a question arose about whether I might be discharged home with my parents, or kept overnight in the hospital. My opinion was clear and strong, and perhaps not what one would expect: "Let me stay right here, thank you!"

It wasn't that I was enamored of the hospital by any means, and it was many more years before the notion of one day working in such a place and feeling a part of its milieu first crossed my mind. Certainly I was eager to escape proximity to that boy separated from me by only a curtain, and of course I wanted to be with Mommy and Daddy.

But that day had been different from any other, and although I had no idea what a "tonsil" was I knew something had been surgically extracted from my body, with a wicked-sore throat left behind as a souvenir. This surgery stuff was something new, as were the uniquely odd post-operative sensations that went with it. While everyone assured me I was doing just fine, children know better than to believe every blanket reassurance adults offer, and I could understand that there remained room for Something to go Wrong. And while Mommy and Daddy were fine parents and handled the ups, downs, and "normal" crises of daily life with aplomb, if Something indeed did happen to go Wrong in my newly post-operative state, I wasn't sure that they would know how to respond. We would be home, by ourselves, miles away from the hospital, and they would have to call someone, I supposed, someone who wouldn't be there and who might offer strange guidance of a sort that mere parents might be unable to carry out. No, thank you; I preferred to stay overnight right there in my hospital bed, even with that boy on just the other side of the curtain, because if anything happened the nurses would be right there, and nurses know what to do.

Today finds us on the heels of another Nurses Week, that annual seven-days-of-awkwardness when employers endeavor to show appreciation of their nurses, spending little or no money in the process, and to make themselves look good for having such talent on the premises and for being aware and grateful bosses. There usually are signs posted around hospitals and in other healthcare settings, and the recruitment rag that attempts to pass itself off as a respectable professional publication is multiple times its usual size, chock full of ads from every employer in the region, all touting their extraordinary nurses and, by extension, themselves. Meanwhile, the nurses suddenly become walking advertisements, sporting lunch bags, coffee mugs, pens, umbrellas, tee shirts, or other similar items, all bearing the employer's name and logo. Sometimes nurses simply receive an email from the boss, a real cost-saver and a gesture that spares them the embarrassment of feeling like something that might adorn the side of a bus. Yep, when Nurses Week rolls around most of us shudder a bit and then wonder what bit of tokenism might come our way in acknowledgment of the previous fifty-one weeks of professional service.

While an extra umbrella to toss in the back of the car, under the dirty dog towels and behind the sports gear, isn't necessarily a bad thing, the realization that when people decided to acknowledge lives immeasurably bettered and often saved, errors averted, and the ship steadied in the rockiest of waters time and time again, what they decided to offer was of the ilk of that umbrella or a cheap pen, this realization does give one pause. In return for the respect and compensation rightly due those who work as nurses every day I suspect we all would be delighted to forego a lifetime of coffee mugs and tee shirts. But we all were raised right and understand that gifts and gratitude are not entitlements, so we smile and say "Thank you," just as our mothers taught us, as we take our new lunch bags and stash them in the back of a closet.

What perhaps is most troubling is the verbiage that accompanies the token gestures, or that stands alone in the email from the boss. Indeed, if I hear one more time that nurses are set apart by their caring and compassion I do believe I'll explode. Most human beings are caring and compassionate; that does not make them nurses, and nurses have not elevated those two qualities to heights unmatched by any others. So to say nurses are caring and compassionate is to say, in effect, nothing in particular about them at all.

The realtor who gently but firmly guides elders in divesting long held possessions in preparation for putting the family home up for sale is profoundly caring and deeply compassionate, and a darned good businessperson. But she or he is not a nurse.

The Little League coach who teaches athleticism and teamwork while correcting errors and safeguarding young egos is caring and compassionate, but not a nurse.

The accountant who smiles warmly while accepting five years of data for unfiled tax returns along with a stack of unopened letters from the IRS and says calmly, "Let's take care of this," with no shaming or fear-mongering, that accountant is caring and compassionate, but not a nurse.

The friend who didn't know what to do twenty-plus years ago when my elderly father walked in one morning, announced that he didn't feel well and fell over, the friend who "tried to hold his head up," instead of initiating CPR, that friend was deeply caring and compassionate, but not a nurse . . . and she did the wrong thing. Dad died on her floor; care and compassion couldn't save him. Whether bystander CPR could have made a difference, and what that might have meant for his quality of life had he survived no one ever will know. I have been grateful that he went quickly and without suffering, and wouldn't have wanted to change that outcome. But care and compassion didn't save him. Indeed care and compassion never do.

What makes the difference in healthcare is knowing what to do, as captured on a recent billboard for Shriners Children's Hospitals:

And the problem is that when the work of professional nurses and others is seen as only care, compassion, dedication, warmth, and general likability, without concurrent recognition of expertise, the risk is great that patients and their loved ones will confuse a pleasant demeanor and attractive appearance with sound judgment, good skills, and high quality care. Just last week I heard of a well-liked cardiologist allowing a patient to sit in the Emergency Department for hours, until the patient sustained a major heart attack early the next day. The standard of care would be to send such a patient to the cardiac catheterization lab as soon as suspicious test results were known so that action could be taken to restore and maintain circulation to the heart muscle and prevent or minimize a damaging heart attack. This did not happen, but the patient later told the Nurse Practitioner that she will return to that doctor because she likes him, he's nice. And just this week I saw an email from a CEO commending several therapists and nurses for receiving high scores in "patient satisfaction." I know two or three of those clinicians, and wouldn't want them anywhere near my patients or my family, but they're "caring" and "liked," and that's worth points for them and, sadly, ultimately dollars for their employer.

Indeed, given a choice, I'll take the grumpy surgeon with an ego as big as Jupiter if she or he skillfully performs just the right operation in just the right way. I'll take the tight-lipped nurse who never seems to hear or say "Good morning" if he or she catches the medication error that the pharmacy missed or has a remarkable knack for managing an awkwardly placed ostomy and for showing patients how to do it themselves, too. I'll take the Physical Therapist who seems to push patients to physical and/or emotional breaking points, backing off at just the right time, and suddenly they're moving better than ever and are stronger than they thought possible, despite the therapist being "mean."

Of course it's rarely an either/or proposition. Most healthcare providers, like most people, are caring and compassionate, and also skilled in their work. Truly, there's no need to be obnoxious, to be cold and closed off, to be arrogant, judgmental, aggressive, or even fearful. But care and compassion can't stand alone in 21st century healthcare, any more that the deep devotion of Mommy and Daddy over a half century ago could substitute for the hospital nurses who even a seven year-old recognized as knowing what to do, no matter what happened.

In fact, in any healthcare setting, and that includes city streets, private homes, offices and industry, schools, clinics, and more, no matter what happens, if there are nurses on hand it's a sure bet that they'll know what to do. That doesn't mean that we know everything or do everything; it means that we know how to assess a situation, stabilize a person and keep him or her safe, summon the needed resources or assistance, start the ball moving in whatever the right direction happens to be, and convey an air of, "It's cool; I've got this."

There's a point somewhere on the path from novice nurse to expert practitioner where nurses suddenly realize that they no longer go to work with more or less trepidation somewhere in the recesses of their minds, and instead have reached a point of knowing that they'll handle with confidence and grace whatever awaits them. I remember my early days of driving around with virtually my entire professional library in the trunk of my car, worried that something might present itself that I didn't understand and didn't know how to manage. I remember the early terror of answering the phone in the nurses' station, afraid some doctor would start barking orders I couldn't make out or someone in the lab would spew a string of numbers that were test results whose meaning I was supposed to know and on which I should act. At the time I wouldn't have believed that a day would come when I'd remember those moments fondly, and I wonder now if my youthful self could have anticipated the coming years of solo practice in settings with no resources or support met with a curious ease expressed as an easy smile and, "Let's have a look." It's a road we all travel, and if we stay the course we arrive at that destination of confidence and skill.

So while the saccharine air of Nurses Week leaves me wanting to duck and run, the underlying niggling concern remains, that those who tout such qualities as nurses' care and compassion are missing the point, seeing only the good hearts that characterize people of every walk of life, and not fully realizing that the reason that nurses' particular care and compassion feel so good is that underlying them, no matter what transpires, the situation will be managed and movement in a positive direction will begin, because whatever their practice throws at them

Nurses Know What To Do.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Bon Voyage and Happy Homecoming!

As the calendar turns to May so the season of travel looms: Graduations, confirmations, vacations, weddings, and, years later, milestone anniversaries of weddings one once attended lure thousands to the road. Planning a trip, whether a long weekend or an extended holiday, there's little for which one hopes more than a good journey and eventual return to a safe and welcoming home. Bon voyage and happy homecoming pretty much sum up the good wishes of all involved and observing.

Except when some of those "observers" have less than honorable intentions.

Home healthcare nurses develop finely honed skill at ascertaining whether a home is occupied when there is no response at the door and, if so, whether the lack of response portends an emergency or simply something such as a change of heart about the visit, an unplanned stay elsewhere, or a deep sleep with bell, buzzer, or knock unheard. Over the years on the other side of locked doors I have found people too ill to get up, injured and on the floor, and, yes, dead. Knowing when to walk away muttering ("Dammit, Joe forgot our appointment again!") and when to heed the intuition that says to look further, contact property managers or family, or call the fire department to break down a door can be as valuable an ability as knowing how to examine a patient and what to do about the findings.

I also have listened to police officers lecture about safety many, many times, and learned a great deal in the course of my one-to-one time with the officers who told stories and offered tips as they escorted me into and through Chicago's Cabrini-Green and other "dangerous" areas. And I have German Shepherds. We walk at all times of day and night and observe, they via their noses, and I watching.

All of this has taught me that often it is astoundingly easy to tell if a home is occupied. And if I can pick up on this, so can those who may be looking for opportunities to relieve rightful owners of their possessions or to engage in other untoward activities there.

Indeed, not terribly long ago I knew within sixty seconds of emerging from my bedroom one morning that my next-door neighbors were away. With just a couple cursory passes in the course of dog walks I know if other neighbors are out of town. Gladys Kravitz I'm not (only people of a certain age will recognize that neighborhood busy-body!); some things simply are glaringly obvious, except to the people responsible for them.

My next-door neighbors since have moved away or I'd not tell this story; my intent is not to identify or embarrass anyone. From the time they moved here, though, they opened a large window on the side of their house as soon as the weather grew warm, and that window stayed open until autumn chill necessitated its closure, unless the weather was extreme or they were away. And, every morning they opened a sun umbrella on their back porch, tilting it to shade their sitting area and kitchen window. Unless, of course, they weren't home.

So on that lovely summer day when I emerged from my bedroom and looked around for my dogs I noticed their big window was closed, and once downstairs and opening the door to let the dogs outside I saw that the umbrella wasn't open. The neighbors were away, and it wasn't just a day trip or, although the umbrella might be closed, that window would be open. I knew this within a minute of stepping from my bedroom, even with no particular interest in my neighbors' whereabouts and with no effort.

If their absence was that apparent to me, imagine how quickly a potential robber watching the neighborhood for opportunities would reach the same conclusion.

Some advise that when away from home it's a good idea to leave a light on in a bathroom, because that is the one room where someone could be at any time. True enough. But when I walk by a home and notice a light in the bathroom, and then see on my return trip that it still is on, and then that it is burning during the day and into the next night, guess what I conclude, particularly if I've observed that when those neighbors are home that light is turned off? Similarly, if a house is dark save for a single lamp, but when people are home that lamp never is the only light that's on, it's an easy leap, no, baby step!, to the conclusion that the house is unoccupied.

When you go away, your objective should be to make your home appear not just occupied, but the way it looks when you occupy it.

If you leave windows that are well above ground level open when you're in and out in the course of your daily life, leave them open when you go away and ask a neighbor or family member to close them if it rains. If there's a lamp in the living room that's on every night and another on your bedside table that you use morning and night, put timers on those, and set the timers to mimic your usual habits.

Timers are sophisticated these days. They can turn a light on and off, and later on and off again. Some can be programmed to turn on the same light or appliance at different times every day, so the kitchen light goes on at 5 AM one day, 4:39 AM the next, and 5:11 the day after that. Etc. They are inexpensive and effective, particularly given that most of us don't turn our lights and appliances on and off at precisely the same time every day.

A safety precaution that's kind of fun is using timers to suggest that there's an insomniac in the house. A light goes off in a bedroom at bedtime, and with sophisticated timer this hour can vary from night to night, but pops back on in the wee hours of the morning. About ten minutes later a light goes on in the living room as the "insomniac" gets up to read or have a snack. Awhile later that living room light goes off, and several minutes after that the bedroom light goes off as well, as the "insomniac" goes back to bed. By varying the timing of these "escapades" one can convey the message that someone in the home doesn't sleep well and is likely to be up at any time of night. A burglar would rather have an easier target and is likely to move on. But again, those timers should be in use all the time and not just when residents are away.

If you regularly watch the 11:00 news or Masterpiece Theatre or anything else, consider having a timer turn your TV on for those shows and off when they're over. The flickering light from the television will be visible from the street, and it will appear at the same time that it does when you are home watching your shows.

If you're going to leave a light on in the bathroom, or anywhere, when you're gone, then leave it one when you're home as well. A fifteen watt bulb in a lamp placed near a window makes is appear from outside as though the entire room is lit up; two or three well placed lamps like this with creatively programmed timers will leave burglars looking for a target easier than trying to figure out what's going on at your house.

Be mindful of your windows. If you normally don't close all the blinds in your house, don't do so when you're away. That's a clue that you're gone, and an opportunity for a thief to work inside your house without being seen. Ask a friend to change the positions of your window coverings from time to time, raising and lowering blinds and adjusting the slats differently. Beware not having any bedroom where the blinds never are closed, as when most people are home they seek some privacy when dressing and sleeping.

Of course when you're home the mail carrier does not walk by your house without stopping every day; no indeed, you must have your share of bills and junk mail! Opportunists watch mail carriers. Don't have the postal service hold your mail while you're gone, but have someone pick it up instead.

Opportunists also watch trash dumpsters. Sometimes these contain treasures, and almost always they reveal something about the people whose trash they hold. If your trash is picked up on Wednesday but your dumpster remains empty on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday . . . then someone looking for opportunities is likely to look more closely for evidence that your home is vacant. Ask your neighbors to deposit some of their trash in your dumpster.

If you are taking a road trip or driving to the airport, load your car in the garage if you have one, and keep the door closed. If someone else is driving you, ask her or him to pull into your garage and load the car there, instead of your standing on the front walk with suitcases waiting for your ride. If you normally park on the street or in a carport, ask a neighbor to move your car from time to time so it appears to have been used.

It's common knowledge not to let newspapers pile up or grass go uncut and snow unshoveled. Of course those are important. But this observant home healthcare nurse and walker of dogs notices that far too often efforts to secure a home and make it appear occupied are so far removed from the normal course of daily activities there that they become a "vacancy" sign for intruders. To maximize safety and home security the key is to be mindful of the daily rhythms in your particular household, and to mimic and perhaps augment their appearance to outsiders. And for heaven's sake don't proclaim your absence on social media!

With summer fun and celebrations on the horizon, let's not lay out the welcome mat for the wrong "guests"! Equal care to planning for one's home as well as one's travel is the recipe for a

Bon Voyage and Happy Homecoming!